Diss Library move for Norfolk County Council revamp gets pushed back
A town library’s temporary move as part of an £83 million future-proofing project has been put back by Norfolk County Council.
Diss Library was set to move from Church Street into the Denny Centre, in Thomas Manning Road, on a 12-month basis, but this has now been pushed back.
The short-term move will allow its building to be revamped as part of the authority’s Future Ready Programme, which is to modernise 200 of the county council's buildings, including fire stations, libraries, children’s homes, museums, and offices.
Although county council officers have approved County Hall’s application for this, a spokesperson has told the Diss Express that this will not be happening soon.
“The timeline for our Future Ready Programme has been adjusted and some work that was planned for 2025-26 will now take place in later years,” they said.
“As a result, the work at Diss Library will be carried out at a later date, which is yet to be decided.”
The £83 million programme will make older council buildings fit for purpose, cut energy bills and help the council to reach net zero by 2030.
The council announced in September that it had slashed 61 per cent of its emissions by implementing some energy efficiency in its buildings, switching from gas to electric heating and installing energy-efficient LED street lighting.
Cllr James Bensly, cabinet member for environment and waste, said: “We are proud of our progress in reducing our carbon footprint and leading by example in tackling climate change.
“We are committed to achieving net zero carbon emissions by 2030 and supporting Norfolk’s transition to a low carbon and resilient future. We are also grateful to our partners and communities who are working with us to make this happen.”
The council is trying to make £45 million in savings in time for its budget next year, with options including cuts to adult social care and children’s services