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Mellis Primary School, near Eye, continues to impress with Ofsted report

A Suffolk village school, which ‘goes above and beyond’ for its pupils, has maintained its good rating following an Ofsted inspection.

Mellis Primary School continued its high standard when inspectors went to the Yaxley Road site in November.

During the visit, inspectors commented that the school welcomed happy pupils into a friendly and inclusive environment and taught a broad and balanced curriculum.

Plenty to smile about: Paul Ryle, headteacher at Mellis Primary School.
Plenty to smile about: Paul Ryle, headteacher at Mellis Primary School.

Their report also highlighted the enthusiasm and commitment of teachers, who were on hand to help anxious pupils get involved in wider school life.

In the report, which was published last week, the regulator said: “The school goes above and beyond to help pupils overcome their anxieties to enable them to take part.

“For example, staff provide extra support so that pupils develop the confidence to speak in front of an audience.

“Pupils cite the way that the offer of clubs, sporting and performance events gives them new interests and helps them to come out of their shells.”

Since the previous inspection in January 2019, inspectors noted that the school had introduced a new way of checking how well pupils had learned the curriculum, enabling teachers to adjust it when deciding on the next steps.

“The school’s detailed systems also enable staff to quickly identify and respond to the needs of pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities,” said the report.

“The school involves external experts, parents and pupils in decisions about how best to support pupils’ needs. Many pupils with SEND achieve well from their various starting points.”

An area of improvement identified during the inspection was that, although children learned important foundational writing knowledge in early years, older pupils did not have enough opportunities to revisit the skill.

With a new approach to enhancing pupils’ reading fluency still at an early stage of implementation, some pupils were struggling and needed support, added the report.

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