The Essex Suffolk Norfolk Pylons group issue mock invoice to Ofgem for scrutiny on proposed project
Campaigners battling controversial pylon plans for East Anglia have sought to highlight the perceived lack of action by regulators – by sending a mock invoice for its services.
The Essex Suffolk Norfolk Pylons group has written to energy regulator Ofgem, stating it should “under no circumstances” approved National Grid’s proposed power line reinforcement between Norwich and Tilbury, in Essex.
The scheme could possibly see a 180km string of 50-metre-high pylons go through the three counties.
This plan has faced fierce opposition from local councils, MPs and affected residents, who have argued in favour of alternatives options for the project.
In a letter to Ofgem chief executive Jonathan Brearley, Essex Suffolk Norfolk Pylons group founder Rosie Pearson accused the regulatory body of failing to give proper scrutiny to the National Grid proposals.
She claimed that campaigners had instead taken on the role of scrutinising the project, and issued a fake bill to Ofgem for the campaign’s “time and consultancy services”.
“Our campaign group has been filling the gap left by Ofgem, the regulator,” said Ms Pearson.
“In our scrutiny of National Grid’s Norwich to Tilbury proposal, we have run up many thousands of hours of work.
“This work to scrutinise National Grid’s pylons proposals should have been done by Ofgem.
“Ofgem’s duties are to protect the interests of consumers, to contribute to sustainable development, and to have regard to those living in rural areas, and to the environment.
“Without scrutiny, Ofgem cannot carry out its duties.”
National Grid has insisted that the scheme is necessary to improve transmission of energy generated at offshore wind farms into the country’s supply.
The public consultation on the proposed plan is running until June 18.