It is one of the biggest shake-ups of housing policy in years, which aims to tackle the housing crisis affecting the nation.
A Norfolk council faces a £6.8 million deficit if increased funding is not provided in the next few years.
Plans have been outlined to address the downgrade of a council’s children’s services.
A Norfolk council has revealed it will be cracking down on planning breaches after failing to shut down a controversial boutique hotel.
Two Norfolk councils have come under fire for their investment in a £7 million office which is sitting largely empty.
A new study has revealed where the worst places for mobile phone signals are in Norfolk.
The future shape of councils in Norfolk and Suffolk could look very different after the Government showed a first look at its devolution plans.
A taskforce has saved two critical bus services connecting rural communities from being axed after securing nearly £150,000.
Norfolk’s biggest hospital is cutting swathes of its temporary workforce in a bid to plug an £11 million gap in its finances.
Diss Town Council has reopened the town’s skatepark following concerns of ‘considerable repairs’.
Plans for Diss Youth and Community Centre have been put out to the public as the town council moves closer to finding a solution for the site.
South Norfolk Council has announced when work to demolish the old John Grose site in Diss will start.
A town library’s temporary move as part of an £83 million future-proofing project has been put back by Norfolk County Council.
Projects in Diss and Long Stratton are some of 13 set to be funded by the Greater Norwich Growth Board (GNGB).