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Picture perfect: Diss Art Group show gets work in front of wider audience

A five-day exhibition has showcased the talents of a popular town art collective.

Diss Art Group shined a light on 12 of its 33 artists as they displayed some of their best work at No.8 Marketplace in Diss.

Phil Dyer, who organised the exhibition, said: “We had more than 300 visitors across the five days and we were very pleased with that. It meant the work of the group was broadcast to a wider audience.”

Phil Dyer and Jeanette Wylie in the Ballroom above No.8 Marketplace. Picture: Mark Bullimore
Phil Dyer and Jeanette Wylie in the Ballroom above No.8 Marketplace. Picture: Mark Bullimore

The group, which has a waiting list for new members and meets at Palgrave Community Centre every Tuesday, hopes to return to the venue in late June.

Mr Dyer said: “We would like to say a big thank you to everyone who contributed their paintings.

“Events like this take a lot of organising and lots of the members helped to make it successful.

“We also really appreciate those that came, looked around and bought some exhibits, and of course No 8 for accommodating us.”

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