Fire crews from Suffolk and Norfolk tackle hanger fire at former Eye Airfield site
Multiple fire crews were called from Suffolk and Norfolk to battle a fire in a former hanger on an industrial estate last night.
Crews from Diss, Harleston, Hethersett and Fakenham as well as those from Stradbroke and Stowmarket were called to the Suffolk Highways depot at Broome Industrial Estate, at 6.30pm.
The building on the former Eye airfield, off the A140, was said to be ‘well alight’ with two roads maintenance vehicles and assorted equipment inside.
The fire was extinguished using hosereel jets
It was reported that there were no injuries and firefighting operations were over by 10.30pm.
A spokesperson for Suffolk Fire and Rescue said: “The incident has remained open to allow for an inspection this morning to attempt to determine a cause.”