Mayor of Diss has blood pressure test
The Mayor of Diss had a blood pressure test recently.
But it wasn't her council and civic duties putting Cllr Sonia Browne under pressure.
The mayor was helping promote a special Know Your Blood Pressure day.
Amongst the stands at Diss Cyclathon this year were members of Diss Waveney Rotary Club, inviting people to have their blood pressure, a service which the club has organised at the event for the past three years.
A team of nurses, doctors and paramedics worked throughout the day taking blood pressures during which a total of 170 people, age ranges between 18 and 85, took up the free service - including Diss Mayor, Sonia Browne.
Of the 170 people tested, two were advised to see their GPs as soon as possible, three were advised to see their GPs within three weeks and one person was advised to go to A & E, (with a suspected lung infection).
"The overall feedback from those who had their blood pressure taken was of gratitude and appreciation of the service provided by the team of health professionals and arranged by Diss Waveney Rotary Club," said a spokesperson.
"And the mayor was fine."
* Don't forget you've still got time pick up the latest copy of the Diss Express with three pages of pictures from the record breaking national award winning cycling event.
For more information about Diss Waveney Rotary Club, visit: