The owner of a reclamation yard has spoken of his heartbreak after announcing the it will close its doors next month after 58 years in business.
There are still hopes for a new pub to be built at a site previously eyed for a Wetherspoon branch.
A car has been found in a search for a man who has been reported missing three days ago.
A developer could no longer be required to pay £75,000 in walking and cycling improvements for a service station in a village.
A village road is set for three days of traffic management to complete drainage improvement works costing £2,000.
Speed-hungry racers hurtled down a hill in a host of crazy contraptions as a village held its first gravity race.
A professional musician, who has toured the world as part of a band, has put down roots in his home town by launching a guitar shop.
A police manhunt is on for a 36-year-old who is wanted for offences in Norfolk and Essex.
A national chain has confirmed that its Diss branch is to close in a further blow for the town centre.
Staff at a petrol station had a surprise visit from a Strictly Come Dancing finalist this week.
A retirement home has been placed under special measures by the Care Quality Commission, who took the action to ‘protect people’.
It is that magical time of year again and the pantomime offering at The Corn Hall in Diss is Jack and the Beanstalk.
A coastline search and an appeal is underway to find a missing man from Framlingham.
Police are continuing to investigate a fatal house fire which happened in Norwich.