Growers put on perfect autumn flower show at Roydon Village Hall
A lovely display of dahlias and chrysanthemums greeted visitors at an early autumn flower show at Roydon Village Hall, which was hosted by Diss and District Horticultural Society.
The big winner on the day was Roly Copping, who won the Free Silver Challenge Cup for gaining the most points in all classes at the show.
“It was a lovely day with some excellent exhibits from our members,” said society secretary Angela Sharpe.
“The colours from the dahlias and chrysanthemums as you walked in were wonderful.”
Other noted winners were Donny Andrews, who took the Bryant Cup for most points in the dahlia classes along with silver and bronze medals from the National Dahlia Society.
In the chrysanthemum classes, Graham Lanchester was awarded the Strudwick Silver Challenge Cup for the most meritorious exhibit, as well as the silver medal from the National Chrysanthemum Society.
Bronze went to Mr Coulson, while the best collection of vegetables was an entry from Albert Gillingwater.
Further prize winners were:
- Goater Challenge Cup awarded to Clive Savage runner up for most points in Dahlia classes.
- Paulin Challenge Cup awarded to Mr Copping for the most points in the Rose classes.
- Howard Nurseries, Wortham - Collection of Perennials awarded to Mr Copping.
- Sharp Silver Challenge Cup awarded to Mrs V Day for the best exhibit of annuals.
- Mrs Speirs Challenge Cup awarded to Mrs S Grace for the best vegetable collection ladies only.
- Medal of the Norfolk & Norwich Horticultural Society awarded to Mr Copping for the most outstanding vegetable exhibit.
- Lady Mann Cup awarded to Mr Gillingwater for the best pot plant in show.
- Silver Challenge Plate awarded to Mr K Jolly for the best decorative exhibit.
- Flatman Memorial Shield awarded to Mr Lanchester for the most points in cut flower classes.
- Frere Silver Challenge Cup awarded to Mr R Copping for the most points in show.
- Glasson Silver Challenge Cup awarded to Mr K Jolly for most points in decorative classes in both Spring and Autumn shows.
- Denny Trophy awarded jointly to Mr K Jolly and Mrs G Sturgeon.
- John Symonds Trophy awarded to Mr Copping for most points in pot plant classes in both shows.
- Diss Express Shield awarded to Mrs R Smith.
- H M Speirs Challenge Bowl awarded to Mrs G Sturgeon.
- Sir Edward Mann Silver Challenge Cup awarded to Mr Copping for most points in both shows.
- Banksian Medal of RHS awarded to Mr Gillingwater.
- Jean Wills Memorial Cup awarded to Mrs G Sturgeon for most meritorious exhibit in the domestic and handicraft classes.
“The decorative classes were a real treat this year, too,” added Mrs Sharpe. “A big thank you to members of the committee for all their hard work putting the show on.”
READ MORE: Villagers to plant 150 trees to tackle climate change
New members are welcome at the society’s next meeting at the United Reformed Church on October 8 at 7.30pm.