Diss author set for town book signing of latest novel
A former school teacher from Diss, is looking to inspire a generation of children with the release of his latest novel, which he is signing in town tomorrow.
Alistair Rainey’s debut novel, Charlie’s Truth, will be available at his book signing event in Diss Publishing tomorrow, between 12pm and 2pm.
The book is an action adventure story that follows two Year 5 students, whose worlds are flipped upside down after a school trip goes awry.
“It has everything – danger, crime, murder and a mysterious character,” said Mr Rainey.
“It poses the question, would you survive in Roman Britain?”
With sprinklings of Latin included in the story, Mr Rainey explained that his novel can also help the younger generation get a firmer grasp of language.
“I want them to understand how important language is in life,” said the 67-year-old grandfather-of-two.
“When you think about writing, we are always being asked things like ‘what is this participle’ and being asked how to pull sentences apart – and Latin gives us that.
“It’s also about friendship – caring and supporting each other and being there for one another.”
Mr Rainey began writing the book at his home in Walcot Green, shortly after moving to Norfolk from Epping Forest, in London.
After being picked up by publisher Grosvenor House Publishing, the book went on general release on Thursday.
Before then, more than 200 pre-orders had already been made.
“The response has been absolutely superb,” said Mr Rainey.
Charlie’s Truth is available to purchase as an ebook, on Amazon and at Diss Publishing.