Government officials are being drawn into a dispute over a noisy party venue in a small Norfolk village.
South Norfolk Council’s planning committee has delayed the scheme to get more information.
Plans to reduce affordable homes from a scheme have been approved, with the cost of offsetting harmful nutrients entering Norfolk’s waterways blamed.
South Norfolk Council is putting the brakes on dangerous drag race-style events which have blighted rural communities in recent months.
Plans to build 179 homes on the edge of a Norfolk market town look set to go ahead.
A housing developer wants to reduce the number of affordable homes it will build in a south Norfolk Village.
Villagers fighting against a glamping business they accuse of holding “Ibiza-style parties” have won a significant victory.
A man in his 20s has been arrested following an immigration raid at a small Norfolk village corner shop.
Plans for dozens of homes in a small Norfolk village have been approved, despite locals branding the scheme a ‘blot on the landscape’.
A series of towns and villages have been selected for the sites following a public consultation
A Diss car park is set to become a self-storage business after a fall in demand
Norfolk’s longest-running council leader has been reappointed for a 17th year
Plans to put a trio of homes in the grounds of a 200-year-old Attleborough site have been put forward to Breckland Council
Two Norfolk councils will finally complete their move into a shared office – a year after they agreed the £7.1 million purchase.
The sale of the former South Norfolk Council's (SNC) headquarters has been delayed now until after the local elections.
Tributes have been paid after the unexpected death of a popular district and county councillor at the age of 74.
A top official and returning officer of two councils has taken a unique approach to tell people to take ID when they vote - with a rap.
Plans for a new home next to a former Conservative Club have been approved, despite concerns.
Plans to build more than 460 homes have sparked fears the area will not be able to cope with the extra population.
A Norfolk MP has said the departing prime minister has cost the public new schools and roads, in a critical response to her time in office.